Can I manually assign PO lines to invoices?

Addressing the "PO Line Missing Check" Issue

Nimbello features a variety of invoice holds to help ensure accurate processing.  Invoices encountering "PO Line Missing Check" necessitate manual intervention by a user due to the absence of a linked PO line. Nimbello's automation faces limitations in automatically identifying the line numbers based on the provided data, compelling a manual review and selection of PO lines.


It's important to note that the term "missing" here doesn't imply the disappearance of PO lines per se. Instead, it signifies a difficulty faced by Nimbello's automation in accurately pinpointing and associating the PO line items due to complexities within the data. Factors such as multiple line items on an invoice sharing identical part numbers can perplex the system, making it arduous for automation to precisely discern which PO line corresponds to which invoice entry.  


[click image to open in a new tab]

line missing check

To begin to resolve this issue, start by confirming that the listed line items in the "Materials/Services Invoiced" section match those displayed on the invoice. If they match, proceed by determining the correspondence between the "Ordered" and "Invoiced" sections. Simply indicate the correct line number from the "Materials/Services Ordered" section for each line in the "Materials/Services Invoiced" section and click "save." This step might resolve the issue. However, if the system still indicates "PO Line Missing," or "Not enough Receipts" and you know the products have been received, manually assigning the receivers is necessary.


To manually assign receivers, click "Edit" as shown below:

line missing check 2


Then select the receipt number from the drop-down menu, and type in the quantity of receipts you want to assign.

line missing check 3