AP Review Hold Rules for Non-PO Invoices

Understand AP Review Holds for Non-PO Invoices: Essential Rules for AP Efficiency

This article provides powerful insights to each holds associated with the AP Review process for non-PO invoices. 

Review Posting Date (Identical to PO):

Nimbello allows for a variety of options regarding the posting date to which the invoice applies within the ERP. In most instances, the posting date is either the date of import or a static date, such as the last day of the posting period month. However, during month, quarter, or year-end, there may be additional requests regarding the specification of the posting date. In such cases, the "Review Posting Date" rule is enacted.

In the "Dates" setting, the AP user will select the beginning of the review period as the review date and the end of the review period as the posting date. Invoices with invoice dates between those two dates can be held in AP Review for classification under the posting period to which the user wants the invoice assigned.

If the user chooses the "Current Period," the invoice will export in the next transmission. If the user chooses the "Next Period," the invoice will be held until the review and posting dates are cleared

Total Amount Error (Identical to PO):

This hold is not a commonly occurring error, but it may happen for several distinct reasons. The Total Amount Error identifies where the calculated subtotal of the invoice is different from the given total of the invoice.

GL Coding Not Completed:

This rule serves as an audit maneuver to identify instances in which the GL Coding assigned to an invoice is missing one or more GL segments. This rule pertains to non-PO invoices only.

GL Invoice Total Do Not match:

This rule is also mutually exclusive to non-PO invoices. The purpose of this rule is to identify instances in which the GL coding assigned to an invoice is for a dollar amount that is less or more than the total amount on the invoice.

Zero Extended Amount in Invoice (Identical to PO):

Although this rule primarily pertains to PO invoices, it has its applications with non-PO invoices. There are possible instances in which a vendor will send an invoice line for a zero extended amount or a user will update a line to have a zero extended amount. Clients are occasionally indifferent, however there could be issues. If clients  oppose zero extended amounts, this rule catches those invoices. Furthermore, if the client decides to process the invoice regardless, then it will need to manually be incorporated into the ERP system. 

No Final Approval:

This rule primarily applies to non-PO invoices. If an invoice reaches the "Ready to Export" stage without having the "Final Approval" flag marked, it will be held by this rule. This serves as an audit check to ensure that no individual at the client's location is able to create fraudulent invoices without undergoing additional review.